3 Things to do on your next camping trip

Just this month, I was invited by my friend to go to the beach.šŸ–
 Ofcourse, I said yasss! Thatā€™s all I needed to safeguard my sanity.

So I packed my bag šŸ’¼ that night and waited for them to fetch me up the next morning.

I never cared to ask where we are going or what we are  doing. What matters is the idea that I am gonna soak my body to the sea and will have the time to read a good book šŸ“– by the beach, sitting comfortably on the sand under the bright sun ā˜€ļø while the breeze is waving my messy voluminous dry hair. Truly, a relaxing šŸ˜Ž time for me.

So after hours of driving north. We arrived in Zambales. And I just realized that weā€™re gonna CAMP.ā›ŗļø 

I never done this for a longest time. Kinda excited ā€˜coz this activity will bring me closer to nature.

Imagine yourself being trapped in an island šŸŒ“, surrounded by mountains ā›° and filled with pine treesšŸŒ²  giving you the best spot to watch the golden sun šŸŒ…  setting from the West Philippine seas.šŸŒŠ

And at night, you only got two options gaze the glittering stars āœØ blanketing the skies šŸŒŒ or stare your friends šŸ‘« right through their eyes šŸ‘€ and be entertained by a sensible conversation.šŸ’­ 

Being in an island have its perks too, having no mobile signal reception enables you to stay away from the worldšŸŒŽ and having no electricity requires you to interact with PEOPLE!  

Come on! In a world of social media and gadgets, I think we need this kind of enabling environment to experience LIFE!

Anyway, going back with the the story, as we approach Telasain Cove, I canā€™t helped but be in awe of the perfect landscape of the island. I just canā€™t wait to get my feet on the grainy warm sands of the shores.

How marvelous it is to experience this gift šŸŽ from nature. 

But as they say it, with great beauty comes a great responsibility of preserving it. This trip inspired me to draft this post and encourage everyone to do their fair-share in taking care of our nature.

So here are the 3 simple things you can do on your next camping trip:


Roasting some hotdogs on sticks with complimentary marshmallows on top around a bonfire šŸ”„ while singing šŸŽ¤ the night out with a friend playing music in his guitar šŸŽø is a classic camping ā›ŗļø activity: I mean who cares if youā€™re out of tune. The night is yours to cherish.

Besides giving you some much needed warmth, I believe setting-up bonfires gives the the night a more dramatic scene. Yeah! This activity is kinda romantic.

BUT, when the sun starts to illuminate, you will see the harsh effects of the bonfires on the sand.

It is quite noticeable that bits of charcoals are scattered on the sand. Indeed, unsighty. Even worse, is seeing these remnants sprawling by the shorelines.

Please on your next trip consider using battery operated lights or make sure there are fire pits when you create bonfires. 

After all, having less light gives you a better view of the stars ā­ļø  above.

I suggest hugging your chums to beat the chill. Now thatā€™s more romantic than a bonfire scene.


I guess people will find this thing very OBVIOUS. But why I am emphasizing such. ā€˜Coz a lot of people still donā€™t know PROPER WASTE DISPOSAL.

The girlsā€™ shower rooms have used sanitary napkins on the waiting area floor just few steps away from the trash bin.

God! I canā€™t believe that a person who is particular with her hygiene does not know how to dispose her trash properly.

The scene is SUPER GROSE! And I  did not took the effort to capture some photos.

Yet, happy that I saw a lot of campers bringing their own trash bags. But just a reminder that avoid eating near the beach especially if you will leave your garbage near the shore. 

Believe me, we still need to EDUCATE people!

I guess I am making my point here. Throw your garbage in its proper bins.


I am guilty of such, if Iā€™ve known we will be camping, I should have encouraged my friends to bring our own utensils. 

Lessening the use of disposable utensils lessens our garbage disposal.

These are  just three easy- peasy tasks to be a responsible camper. 
So the next time youā€™re planning to go camping remember not only to bring the things you needed but also have the caring heart ā¤ļø and the right mind to do what is proper.

P.S. Hugs and kisses šŸ˜˜ to these folks for bringing me in Zambales, this trip enlightened me to write this kind of stuff more than travel tips and guides.
